Which theological terms would make your shortlist?
Here’s the list of terms found in “Jargon-Busting: A Glossary of Theological Terms,” at the back of Alister E. McGrath’s excellent Christian Theology: An Introduction (25th Anniversary Edition).
- adoptionism
- aggiornamento
- Alexandrian School
- allegory
- Anabaptism
- analogy of being (analogia entis)
- analogy of faith (analogia fidei)
- anthropomorphism
- Antiochene School
- anti-Pelagian writings
- apocalyptic
- apologetics
- apophatic
- apostolic era
- appropriation
- Arianism
- atonement
- Barthian
- beatific vision
- Beatitudes
- Calvinism
- Cappadocian fathers
- Cartesianism
- catechism
- catharsis
- catholic
- Chalcedonian definition
- charisma, charismatic
- Charismatic movement
- Christology
- circumincessio
- conciliarism
- confession
- consubstantial
- consubstantiation
- contemplation
- creed
- Deism
- dialectical theology
- Docetism
- Donatism
- doxology
- Ebionitism
- ecclesiology
- Enlightenment
- eschatology
- Eucharist
- evangelical
- exegesis
- exemplarism
- fathers
- fideism
- filioque
- Five Ways
- fourth gospel
- fundamentalism
- hermeneutics
- hesychasm
- historical Jesus
- historico-critical method
- history of religions school
- homoousios
- humanism
- hypostatic union
- icons
- ideology
- incarnation
- justification by faith, doctrine of
- kenoticism
- kerygma
- liberal Protestantism
- liberation theology
- liturgy
- logos
- Lutheranism
- Manicheism
- modalism
- monophysitism
- neo-orthodoxy
- ontological argument
- orthodoxy
- parousia
- patripassianism
- patristic
- Pelagianism
- perichoresis
- Pietism
- postliberalism
- postmodernism
- praxis
- Protestantism
- Quadriga
- radical Reformation
- Reformed
- Sabellianism
- sacrament
- schism
- scholasticism
- Scripture principle
- Socinianism
- soteriology
- synoptic gospels
- synoptic problem
- theodicy
- theopaschitism
- theotokos
- Thomism
- transubstantiation
- Trinity
- two natures, doctrine of
- typology
- Vulgate
- Zwinglianism