Previously, I wrote about how the Scripture search tool in the Digital Karl Barth Library was broken. Thankfully, it appears to have been fixed (although it still has issues). This means I can search Barth’s “Collected Edition” (Gesamtausgabe) if needed.

However, I’m now having some issues with the copy of Barth’s Church Dogmatics I purchased via Logos Bible Software.

Before I complain, let me first say how grateful I am that Logos is MUCH more user-friendly than the Digital Karl Barth Library.

As an apparent example of this user-friendliness, my Logos copy of the Church Dogmatics (CD) displays what appear to be the original German (Kirchliche Dogmatik, KD) page numbers in search results by default.

At first, this struck me as very helpful.


  1. These KD page numbers aren’t accurate! They’re only tied to section headings. So, for example, “KD I.2 p. 305” displays in Logos for the section that runs from KD 1.2, 304 to 324. Then, it skips ahead to display “KD I.2 p. 324” until page 356!
  2. There’s no way (that I know of) to change the default display in the search results so that the accurate English page numbers (CD I.2 p. 310) are displayed. Instead, you have to click on each search result to open it, and then click on the “KD” page number to display a drop-down menu that shows the correct English “CD” page number.

Granted, perhaps ballpark German page numbers are the best that can be expected from a resource that was purchased in English.

However, it’s pretty frustrating not to be able to see the correct English page numbers at a glance!

OK, end of rant. Back to research and writing…

A screen shot of my problem.
Another screen shot of my problem.