TL;DR: If you’re serious about biblical and theological studies, you should invest in Logos 10 Bible Software. Do so via my exclusive partner offer for Logos 10 here!

If I could go back in time and chat with Joshua Steele when he was a Bible & Spanish major in college, there are a few things I’d tell my younger self:

  1. Quit laughing at How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and READ the thing.
  2. Baba ghanoush is superior to hummus.
  3. Study computer science sooner rather than later.

Don’t get me wrong. I love physical books as much as anyone, and I own quite a few (hundred)!

Nevertheless, when I finally became a Logos Bible Software customer in 2018 as a Ph.D. Student, Anglican Deacon, and Anglican website editor, it took my studies to the next level. I purchased a Logos 8 Anglican Silver package, Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics (31 Vols.), and Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works: German-English (34 Vols.), and I haven’t looked back since!

(NOTE: If you’re interested in the best FREE Bible and theology resources out there, then you NEED to check out The Bible Project, The NET Bible, and The St. Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology!)

Logos 10: Worth the Cost?

Has it been a pricey investment over the years? To be sure.

However, even if I just consider the amount of time saved (1) looking things up and (2) citing works (which Logos handles AUTOMATICALLY when you copy and paste quotes!!!), I’ve come out on top

This is not to mention the breadth and depth that Logos Bible Software has added to my essays, sermons, emails (I used to receive a lot of Anglicanism-related questions!), and blog posts.

Now that Logos 10 is out, I can heartily continue to recommend Logos Bible Software. If you haven’t done so already, I strongly encourage you to consider buying (or upgrading to) Logos 10! (Again, you can do so via my exclusive partner link here!)

Top 3 Features of Logos 10

Real quick, here are my 3 favorite things about Logos 10 (compared to Logos 8 and 9).

1. It’s FASTER

Right out of the box, you can tell that they’ve tweaked things under the hood to make Logos 10 run faster (noticeably faster on my 2016 MacBook Pro) than previous versions.

Especially when you’ve got a large library (I’ve got 3,975 items in my Logos library right now) and you’re using multiple resources at a time, running Logos Bible Software is computationally expensive. So I’m glad that the Logos team have made behind-the-scene improvements to the software that have yielded a noticeably superior user experience on my end!

2. With Print Library Catalog, you can add and search your PRINT BOOKS

The new Print Library Catalog feature is a game-changer, especially if you, like me, have quite a few physical biblical and theological books laying around!

If you add those physical books to your Logos Print Library Catalog, then, as long as Logos has digital versions of those books, you can use the power of Logos search to help you find things in your physical books!

This means that Logos Bible Software can now help you take better advantage of the physical books you already own! Genius.

3. Church History Themes

As a student of historical theology, I’m a bit biased here, but I think that most Christians these days have a woefully inadequate understanding of Church history!

Granted, not everyone needs to become Church history experts! But all Christians should know at least the broad contours and the major themes from Church history. Let’s learn the most we can from saints who have gone before us!

Logos 10 makes a big step forward here with the new Church History Themes feature. It’s a fantastic way to get up to speed on some of the most important movements and topics from the history of Christianity.

4. (Bonus) Auto Translation!

OK, we’re into the weeds a bit here, because I realize that not everyone will be interested in this. But, as someone who (attempted) a Ph.D. on two German-speaking theologians, let me just tell you that I REALLY wish this feature had been introduced earlier!

Logos 10’s new Auto Translation feature makes it easier than ever to engage with works written in, say, Latin, French, or German right from Logos. I really hope that this kind of AI-assisted translation continues to improve, because there are so many works out there originally written in other languages. Plenty of these haven’t been translated into English yet. And, even when they have (looking at you, Barth’s Church Dogmatics), there’s really no replacement for engaging with a work in its original language.

Other Helpful Logos 10 Bible Software Reviews

I’ve only scratched the surface of the new and improved features of Logos 10. I’ll say it again, I strongly recommend that you invest in a Logos 10 Bible Software library!

And don’t just take my word for it! Here are some other reviews of Logos 10 Bible Software that you should take a look at as you consider whether or not to purchase/upgrade: