After realizing just how easy it was to lose access to the physical books that I own (now sequestered in my library carrel at Wheaton), on a bit of a whim I created a fundraiser to help my upgrade my Logos Bible Software library to either the Anglican Gold ($216) or Anglican Platinum ($582) libraries.

Upgrading would help me in my preaching, teaching, and writing roles (as a pastor-theologian and as the Managing Editor of I’ve already benefited immensely from the Anglican Silver package I bought when I got into the Logos Bible Software ecosystem a couple years ago (mainly to gain easy digital access to Barth and Bonhoeffer’s writings for my dissertation). I plan to stick with Logos—especially for biblical commentaries, systematic theologies, and reference works—because it allows me to quickly research, prepare for sermons, answer questions from readers, etc.

Within a single day, the fundraiser received $341!! That leaves just $241 to reach the $582 Platinum goal!

If you can give a few bucks, I’d be very grateful! And, whether or not you give money to the fundraiser, please always feel free to send me any questions you have about Anglicanism, the Bible, Christian theology, Church history, etc.! I want to put my resources and training to good use!

In case you’re curious, here are some of the resources I’m most excited to own digitally in the Anglican Platinum library. I’d get 447 resources total, but here are the ones I’m most excited about:

  • The complete Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (I have the NT now but would gain access to the OT)
  • The Ancient Christian Doctrine Series
  • The Pillar New Testament Commentary Series
  • The Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity
  • The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
  • N.T. Wright’s Christian Origins and the Question of God Series
  • The 10-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
  • The 8-volume Dictionary of Classical Hebrew
  • Thomas Oden’s 3-volume Systematic Theology
  • Wolfhart Pannenberg’s 3-volume Systematic Theology
  • Braaten and Jenson’s 2-volume Christian Dogmatics
  • The Encyclopedia of Christianity
  • The Oxford Library of Practical Theology
  • The 7-volume Lancelot Andrewes Collection